New Year Resolutions for Kids

Everyone starts out the new year with resolutions! So why shouldn’t kids have New Year’s Resolutions? I will be providing some fitness and healthy eating resolutions for kids and their families to start out the New Year to a healthier lifestyle. Here are 3 easy steps:
- Eating Better– Parents are the primary grocery shoppers for their households, so kids depend on them to feed them healthy nutritious meals. Parents take the time as a family to plan out healthy meals for the week. Also take your kids with you grocery shopping and let them pick out their own healthy snacks. Working together prepping and cooking meals sets an example for kids eating healthy in the future.
- Exercise– Kids seeing their parent’s workout and live a healthy lifestyle will make them want to be more active. It’s important to do workouts as family such as going to the park, sports, or other recreational activities. Exercise is also good for your physical and mental health as well. Teaching kids that exercise can be fun is very important!
- Get Outside– Doing activities as a family is a key component in young children. Going outside or doing any kind of physical activity outside is great way to get active! Some examples are going to the park, riding bikes, swimming, and playing sports.